World Record Set for Number of Electrodes on Human Brain

Hand in white surgical glove holds yellow Precision Neuroscience brain-computer interface device

Image credit: Precision Neuroscience

US-based Precision Neuroscience has announced a recent procedure involving its Layer 7 Cortical Interface implant has set a world record for the number of electrodes placed on and recording cortical data from a human brain.

Four of Precision Neuroscience’s thin-film arrays – totalling 4,096 electrodes – were surgically implanted on a patient’s brain as part of its ongoing clinical study.

The device is engineered to enable multiple arrays to be placed on the brain, allowing for high-resolution mapping of greater neural activity.

“Precision’s brain-computer interface system was designed for scalability – meaning that we can continue to add electrodes to the surface of the brain without damaging tissue,” said Precision Neuroscience Co-founder and Chief Science Officer, Dr Benjamin Rapoport in a statement.

“This record is a significant step towards a new era. The ability to capture cortical information of this magnitude and scale could allow us to understand the brain in a much deeper way.”

The significant number of electrodes recording from a human brain doubles the previous published record of 2,048 set last year.

Check out the full press release from Precision Neuroscience for more information.